The “Just in Case I Quit” List

I realise I have been quite negative over the last few weeks. It hasn’t been the easiest time and I have found myself struggling to cope with the ever present work related pressure and stress. So much so that I am on the verge of quitting at any time – one more unreasonable demand could be the straw that breaks this camel’s back.

But wallowing in misery for the next few months isn’t going to help. Buoyed by the messages of support and solidarity from recent comments, it’s time to get practical.

”… stick with the job one day at a time for now, always be ready to go. Good luck!…”

This comment really made me think – am I ready to go? Mentally, maybe – but what about on the housekeeping side? Is there anything I need to consider doing “just in case I quit suddenly”? What are the things happening over the next few months that are worth hanging around for? What are the triggers that could force my hand?

The Just in Case I Quit List

Before I take the plunge / throw my toys out of my pram / over-react to something minor because I am so burned out, I want to have the facts in front of me. So first on the list is to figure out a timeline of the key factors occurring in the next few months that should be kept at the front of my mind before I do anything rash.

1). When do I have Holiday Booked?

In just two weeks & three days time, I will be leaving for annual vacation.

A blissful two and a half weeks out of the office and on holiday with my family. This is doubly special since it may be the last big holiday we take – if I pull the plug before my true FIRE date my Lean FIRE budget won’t include holidays away.

Surely I can manage for 2 weeks and 3 days without doing anything hasty…? And who knows, the break may be all I need to re-calibrate my mindset and help me make it through to the end of the year.

2). When Is the Next Annual Bonus Paid?

End of August Payday = Annual Bonus Time!

DO NOT QUIT – I repeat – DO NOT QUIT – before payroll is locked down for August. This will happen around the 20th of the month, so since I am on annual leave from the second week of August again means limping through until then. NO MATTER WHAT.

3). When Is the Next Time I will be Expected to Travel Overseas?

9 Weeks & 2 Days Time = Next Overseas Travel Requirement

I have written about the reasons why I can no longer travel for work and I remain committed to that promise. This up-coming event will be the second test of invoking the F.U. clause. In my experience, you can get away with missing one or two work events but after that it is likely that some honest conversations will need to be had with my boss. It could happen here or I may get a final pass until the next event – I’ll need to see how this plays out.

4). When is My Next Stock Award Vesting?

November = Stock Vesting.

My company has been generous over the years issuing stock awards which vest over time. These release shares each quarter which can then be kept or sold. If you leave the company you forfeit any unvested shares. If I can last until November I will receive around 1.2k after tax (at today’s share price). I am so glad I looked that up because I thought it was going to be much more! I guess the remains of my previous boss’s generous awards have dwindled away leaving the paltry sums given by my new one. Oh well. Don’t get me wrong – it’s a nice to have, but it’s not something I’ll be waiting around for if all the other factors say “go”.

5). What Corporate Benefits Can I Claim?

Finally – time for some housekeeping. If I want to take full advantage of everything on offer to me as an employee, what can I claim before I hand in my notice?

I must admit to a certain moral dilemma here. Company benefits are designed to motivate and reward employees so they stick around. Is it ethical to take advantage of them knowing I’m going to leave?

On the other hand is it ethical that they expect me to be on call 24/7? Is it ethical that they have a gender pay gap of 39%? Will they squeeze every last ounce of value from me once they know I’m leaving? It’s a dog eat dog world and I’d be mad to act otherwise.

  • Healthcare – Book health and dental check-ups for us all under the corporate program. Schedule any follow up treatment needed asap & get it done quickly.
  • Gym membership – Stop procrastinating. This is a great benefit. If I sign up now I will get 14 months membership for free. I might soon have time on my hands. Getting back into an exercise routine will also improve my state of mind and  help me to cope. Seriously – just get on with it.
  • Renew Professional Subscription – if I want to work in finance in the future, I have to be a member of a professional body. Jury is out on whether I will need this, but you never know – I should renew while it’s free.


Ever the Optimist…?

Hopefully, these negative feelings will pass. Ever the optimist, maybe I’ll turn a corner soon, my horrible boss will move on, the corporation will employ a travel ban and I can eke out this high paying gig as long as I need.

If not, at least I feel prepared.


(977 days to true FIRE / ??? days to a quitting tantrum).


Join the Discussion

It may seem strange to you that I’m thinking in terms of whether I can hold out even just a couple of weeks but honestly – at times I feel so low I’m worried I could just up and go. Have you ever been in this situation and what happened? Anyone reading that has retired or moved to a new job in a more orderly way – what factors did you consider when planning timing?

24 thoughts on “The “Just in Case I Quit” List”

  1. Dang, that company is good at stringing out those handcuffs. Since you are really stressed and anxious, you might want to look into using your sick leave as well.

    And you know what? I think the holiday will do you a world of good – enjoy the break and don’t think about work.

    Not to mention quitting now does not mean no more holidays in the future; you have many more opportunities to make money – the stock market could be very good to you or a fun job might come up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was talking to a friend earlier and mentioned I would feel like a fraud taking sick leave. She gave me a right talking to about mental health and you are both right. If it gets that bad I will take some, but I’m not quite there yet.
      I love the idea of the stock market being really kind 😊. I plan on 4% growth after inflation which I think is quite conservative but I’ve seen others forecast lower. Would be amazing if the growth is higher


  2. I love the logical approach – listing reasons to not rage-quit 🙂 . I might have to make a similar list for myself. You have some powerful reasons here. Hopefully the vacation will help rejuvenate you. That annual bonus also sounds mighty fine! To answer your question RE benefits: I don’t think it’s unethical to take advantage of corporate benefits while you’re still there. That’s what they’re for and you’re following the letter of the law.

    As for if I’ve been in a similar situation: I have. I quit my first, entry-level job while living in NYC ($$$ rent) after a year with nothing else lined up. Each day at that job felt like an eternity. I was so unhappy. Since then I’ve had 6 jobs in 7 years. I’m antsy :). Luckily for me each job hop has gotten me a lot more money and a much better work environment and boss. My job transitions are anything but orderly though (see example above). Since I can’t be an example I’ll simply wish you luck. I hope it gets better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, 6 jobs in 7 years! Actually – you are a great example that things will turn out ok. It’s so easy to get in that mindset that leaving a job will be a disaster when in reality, things work out fine, one way or another. Thanks for the good luck 😊


  3. Hey! Great to see you are getting your practical head on. Breaking everything down like this allows you to take the emotion out of some of your decision making. I do think you will feel less low and anxious when you get to the point of your annual leave. A holiday is the best way to recharge your batteries.

    Annual leave, bonus and corporate benefits should all be claimed and max’d. Vesting is not worth another 2/3 months of your life if you still feel the same.

    I have been prepping for the past 3 years, changing department and getting one last promotion in to max my final salary pension. Not getting too involved in the new dept, keeping my head down as I am not going to be there for that long now. Why go above and beyond to curry favour when I am not sticking around to enjoy the fruits of my hard labour? If I had corporate benefits I’d take advantage too.

    Every day after 31st August is gravy for your leanFIRE – hope your holiday gives you back your smile 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Don’t forget the free eye test 😉

    Though I have no control over the outcome I plot ideal times of the year to be made redundant (too many restructures over the years):-

    March – bonus time.
    June – my anniversary – another few weeks added to the redundancy cheque.
    November – New share offer which I can exercise straight away under a leave employment clause.
    December – slim but possible bonus negotiation in exchange for decent handover.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Definitely keep going until you have got your bonus and make use of those corporate benefits.

    After that just start taking a harder line and don’t be pushed around, knowing you’ve got your FU fund as back up. This may increase your chance of being made redundant and getting a payout?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would love to be made redundant at this point. It would serve two purposes – take the decision out of my hands and provide a nice cash buffer. Here’s hoping…


  6. funny, I have a list like this too. Since medical treatment is prohibitively expensive in the US on my own I try to be on top of all preventative medical appointments. I also keep my training up to date and keep minimal junk in my office in case I want to lug them all home in a day….
    but on some good productive days I do like the handcuffs (pewter in my case). Hope you reach a better outlook soon or be on holiday asap!

    Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Coco. The best case scenario is to like the handcuffs, pewter or otherwise! I wouldn’t wish how I feel now onto anyone. The good thing for you is you are making plans in case you don’t always love it


  7. Oh ya, need to stick it out until at least the end of August. Any potential new jobs beckoning your attention else where?
    Work stress can have significant issues on the body (ask me how I know).
    I think the vacation will do you a world of good too. Help you recenter, melt the stress from work and hopefully the perfect answer to your problems will be a light bulb moment as you enjoy your holiday time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nothing new on the horizon but I haven’t looked very hard. Sounds like you’ve had your fair share of stress – have you written about it?
      Thanks – I really can’t wait for the break and here’s hoping for the lightbulb moment. (The last time I was on holiday, I started this blog so who knows) 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have not written about it. But I did finally switch jobs because of all the internal issues I was having (IBS, disrupted sleep, nervousness about meetings, increased values for diabetes, cholesterol) and not seeing my child due to long work hours. Some of the stuff you have written resonates a lot with things I experience in my own life as a single mom, career woman, aka supermom. Cheers! To lightbulb moments.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. It is great you estimate all these, to decide the best moment to quit. It is important, because when you signed the contract, you signed not only for monthly salary but the benefits too! and it is ethical to take it.

    You know why I enjoy budgeting? because I know what I can have is I need to quit today, ignoring all these benefits offered by the other. My numbers are related to what I have, not what is in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You never know, you might feel so refreshed and rejuvenated after your holiday that you may not feel the same way as you do now but always good to have the plan in case nothing changes. Hanging in there until at least August does make sense.

    I’ve never been one to ever consider sick leave but as others have mentioned, if all the stress of the job is affecting your mental health, then do use it. And other benefits too of course, which are all part of your salary package.

    A note of caution re the gym membership though – check the small print that if you leave employment of the company, you don’t need to repay any membership fees or be liable for the remainder of the membership (unless it’s something you want to continue and don’t mind paying). Gym memberships are notoriously difficult to cancel so there might be at least a month’s overlap or fees to pay.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Here’s hoping I come back refreshed and feeling better 😊
      Thanks – I just checked the small print and all fine. They’ve paid a year up front with no right to reclaim, so I will have no excuse not to go if I do find myself with some free time on my hands!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Well done on (almost!) making it to the holiday break.
    Something I’d never have anticipated, but the closer I get to FI, the harder I find work to be. Pre-FI there was essentially little choice, but the awareness that there is a choice seems to make it all the harder. In fact what might make it tougher, it’s our own calculations that are deciding how long we stay 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks John. I couldn’t agree more, it seems harder by the day when really it should be downhill all the way. I wish I was one of those people that could check their progress now and again – I think that’s the happier route.


  11. Just discovered your blog, devouring every single post now 🙂
    I can totally empathize with you. Keep up one deadline at a time, maximize your expected income over time until you can’t take it anymore!
    Keep up!

    Liked by 1 person

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